
Property company Cleaning and Greening Standard Training Content(2021 Universal Edition).


The first part of  the property cleaning greening pre-management

Chapter 1  Pre-management of property cleaning

Section 1  Property cleaning pre-intervention

Section II  Takeover acceptance of the original property cleaning

Section III  New property cleaning takes over the acceptance

Chapter TWO  Pre-Management of Greening Project

Section 1  Pre-intervention of property greening projects

Section II  Takeover acceptance of greening of new properties

Section III The  takeover acceptance of landscaping built by the original property

Section IV  The intervention and acceptance of the greening transformation project

Part II  Property Cleaning Day-to-Day Management

Chapter 1  Overview of the day-to-day management of property cleaning

Section 1  Property Cleaning Daily Management Content

Section II  Basic requirements for the day-to-day management of property cleaning

Chapter TWO  Cleaning equipment supplies management

Section 1  Operation and maintenance of cleaning equipment

Section 2  Cleaning common tools are used

Section 3  Use of cleaning cleaners

Section IV  Anti-killing Agents

Chapter 3  Cleaning skills

Section 1  Removes Dust

Section 2  Cleaning and Maintenance

Section III  Clear the garbage

Section 4  Disinfection

Chapter Four Prevention  and Killing of Harmful Creatures

Section I  Pest control

Section II  Killing Work

Part III  Property greening daily maintenance

Chapter One Is  the Daily Management of Property Greening

Section 1 The  daily management content of property greening

Section II  Greening conservation standards and work arrangements

Chapter II  Lawn Conservation

Section 1  Lawn Mowing

Section II  Lawn Fertilization

Section III  Lawn Irrigation

Section IV  Lawn-assisted conservation management

Section V Prevention and  control of lawn diseases and insects

Chapter Three  The Conservation and Management of Garden Trees

Section 1  Root overrides

Section II  Irrigation and drainage of trees

Section III  Weed Prevention and Control

Section 4  Shaping Trim

Section V  Fertilization of trees

Section VI  Pest control

Section 7  Protection and repair of the tree body

Section 8  Trees winter anti-freeze damage

Chapter Four  Other Garden Conservation Management

Section 1  Greening common tools for use and maintenance

Section II  Landscaping Disaster Prevention


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