
The current fire acceptance problems

The current fire acceptance problems

1, fire engineering has not implemented the pre-acceptance system, the acceptance site there is the phenomenon of construction is not completed.

2, firepower supply and its distribution and fire water supply following the national fire technical specifications and design documents required to implement.

3, fire lane width, turning radius, carrying capacity, road hardening, return yard, and high fire rescue site and other settings do not meet the national fire technical specifications and design documents requirements.

4, building exterior insulation materials and insulation materials protective layer thickness does not meet the national fire technical specifications and design documents requirements.

5, the building interior decoration and renovation affect the normal use of evacuation walkways, reduce the safety exit, evacuation exit, and evacuation walkway net width and quantity, not set according to the design requirements.

6, fire separation (including firewalls, fire curtains, fire doors, windows, horizontal, vertical pipe wells, and glass curtain walls, etc.) has not been completed following the national fire technical specifications and design documents required by the construction or installation.

7, the width, location, form, and opening direction of the evacuation door do not meet the national fire technical specifications and design document requirements.

8, the refuge between the layers did not follow the national fire technical specifications and design documents required to implement.

9, fire hydrant system, automatic sprinkler system fire pump manual, automatic start-stop function and accident switching function, etc. were not tested successfully.

10, fire linkage test, anti-smoke system, fire elevator, fire separation facilities, emergency lighting, non-fire electrical equipment strong cut, etc. can not be normal linkage to varying degrees.

The above problems, please attach great importance to the relevant units, against a comprehensive self-examination, found that the problem timely rectification. Before declaring fire acceptance, the construction unit must organize the participating units to carry out the pre-acceptance of fire-fighting projects to ensure that the site completes the construction following the fire-fighting design documents and fire-fighting technical standards.


Fire acceptance is required to submit a catalog of materials

By the Provisions of the Construction Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Fire Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China, and the needs of fire acceptance work, the catalog of materials submitted for fire acceptance is hereby revised as follows:

1, construction project site fire technical inspection declaration form;

2, fire construction drawings review opinion;

3, the completion of the project acceptance report;

4, fire facilities testing certificate;

5, fire product quality certification documents;

6, the legal identification of each unit;

7, construction project fire completion acceptance (a record) statistical table;

8, application report, power of attorney;

9, the completion of the blueprint (including fire design special article);

10, data CD-ROM.

After on-site inspection, according to the needs of additional information:

1, construction contract / purchase and sale contract / high-voltage power supply contract;

2, hidden engineering records.


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