
Well-known property office building management system operation manual

National well-known property system operation manual

Chapter 1 Customer Service Management 1 Section 1
 Customer Service Procedures, Specification 1
1,  Customer Service Employee Behavior Management Code 1
2,  Customer Service Assistant Duty Regulations 8
3, Front Desk Duty Regulations 11
4, Building Inspection Work Procedures 13
5,  Fee collection procedures 16
6, customer file management procedures 18
7, return visit system 20
8,  Customer satisfaction survey work procedures 23
9,  vacant housing management regulations 25
10,  letter sorting work procedures 27
11 ,  customer special service work procedures 29
12, customer compensation work procedures 32
13, building appearance management regulations 33
 14,  customer key sealing / enable management procedures 36
15, cargo ladder use procedures 38
16,  Tenant violations handling standard procedures 39
17, community cultural activities organization operating procedures 42 Section
2 Customer service work standards guide 45
1, Customer Service Manager Work Standard 45
2, Customer Service Manager Work Standard 46
3, Senior Customer Service Butler Work Standard 47
4,  Customer service butler work standard 48
5, front desk work standard 49
6,  water bar service Standards of Work 50
Section III Customer Service Work Procedure Guide 51 1,
  Tenant Occupancy Work Procedure 51
2 ,  tenants move out of workflow 57
3,  secondary decoration program 60
4,  repair program 67  
5,  Customer Complaint Handling Procedure 72 Section
4 Customer staff position responsibilities 74
1, customer service manager position responsibilities  74
2, customer service department head position responsibility 75
3, senior customer service butler position responsibility 76
4  ,  customer service department butler post responsibilities 77
5, front desk duties 78
6, water bar waiter duties  79
Section 5 Customer Service Table List 80
1, Tenant Profile Catalog (Stay) 80 
2,  check-in will sign a bill 81
3,  check-in check-in table 82
4, Company water brand name plate production application 83
5, key handover record form 84
6,  Key transfer application form 85
7, tenant representative power of attorney 86
8, tenant information card 87
9  ,  Tenant Occupancy Information List 88
10,  Tenant Eviction Confirmation Form 89
11, Tenant Relocation Review Will Sign  90
12,  Tenant Eviction Notice 95

16,  building decoration permit 96
17, decoration permit sign-off form 97
18, rental area decoration project approval 98
19  ,  rental area decoration acceptance letter 100
20, decoration payment and settlement document 101
21, decoration payment and settlement document  ( Local renovation ) 102
22, toilet use handover confirmation 103
23, renovation of the power supply application form   104  
24,  the second decoration inspection record (engineering) 105
25,  xx building internal construction order 106 
26,  decoration site equipment and facilities confirmed handover list 108
27, decoration notice of breach of contract 109
28,  xx  Building repair document 110
29, service maintenance registration form 111
30, service repair work single return visit registration form 112
31,  Details and confirmations of special service charges 113
32, Customer Complaint Record Form 114
33,  Customer Complaints Handling Form 115
34  ,  Complaint handling Timely Rate Statistical Annual Report 116
35,Daily InspectionChecklist 117
36, Call Visit Record Form 119  
37,  front desk log 120
38, return visit record form 121
39, shift handover record sheet 122
40,  xx Building Satisfaction Questionnaire 123
41, Customer Return Rate Statistical Annual Report 125
42,  customer satisfaction survey return record 126
43, customer opinion survey results summary 127
44, Vacant room schedule 128
45,  vacant room inspection record sheet 129
46, customer newspaper statistics table 130  
47,  customer mail, newspaper sign-off registration form 131
48, building return registration form 132
49,  Sealing and enabling room key declaration 133
50,  air conditioning delay cold application form 134
51, bottom merchant oil tank, flue cleaning record sheet  135
52, cargo ladder application form 136
53, customer file access registration form 137
54  ,  Customer Basics Summary Table 138
55, Customer Meter Check Form 139
56,  Customer Water Meter Check Form 140
Chapter 2 Cleaning, Greening 141 Section
1 Cleaning Rules and Regulations 141
1,  Cleaning management system 141
2, building exterior cleaning management regulations 144
3, floor garbage collection management regulations 145
4,  garbage transit station management regulations 146
5, garbage removal management regulations 147
6,  Cleaning equipment use and maintenance regulations 148 
7, cleaning agent use operating procedures

1,  cleaning work standard 158
2, cleaning staff work standard 164
3,  disinfection and killing management regulations and standards 166 Section
III  Cleaning personnel post responsibilities 168
1,  on-site manager position responsibilities 168
2,  on-site cleaning supervisor duties 169
3,  On-site cleaning foreman position responsibilities 170
4, cleaning staff duties 171
Section 4 Cleaning table list 172
1, Outsourced cleaning company resident staff structure diagram 172
2, cleaning personnel management area table 174
3, cleaning staff reward and punishment record table 176
4 ,  cleaning company weekly work assessment 177
5,  vacant single-yuan cleaning plan table 179
6, garbage clearance record sheet 180  
7,  sanitation facilities distribution table 181
8, building exterior wall cleaning acceptance record 182
9,  incense sprayer  Checklist 183
10,  Building Killing Record Table 184 Section
V Greening Rules and Regulations 185
1,  Green planting lease management procedures 185
2, green green management regulations 186
3, green conservation procedures 187
Section 6 Greening work standard 188
1, green planting rental pendulum management standard 188
2, green maintenance standard 189
Section 7 Green Table List 190 1,
  Greening, GreenIng Daily Work Content List 190
2,  green medicine registration form 192
3,  green green planting week work plan 193  
4,  green planting monthly work plan 194
5, green conservation workers monthly schedule 195
6 ,  Green Conservation Workers Month Attendance Schedule 196 Chapter
III Security, Fire 197
Section I Security, Fire Regulations 197
1  ,  Security 24-hour duty system 197
2, security management system 199
3 ,  security personnel management system 206
4,  the Ministry of Property security training system 207
5, temporary pass management system  209
6, items out of the management system 210
7, the Property Department inspection system 211
8 ,  lobby preservation class system 213
9, security company personnel management method 214
10,  Intercom use system 217
11, security police equipment management regulations 218
12,  construction personnel channel guard duty system 220  
13,  building Flag Division flag lift management regulations 221
14, motor vehicle parking management system 222  
15,  ground parking motor vehicle management

19,  fire training system 234
20, fire prevention system 236
21, fire drill management procedures 239
22, Fire equipment management regulations 241
23, fire safety inspection system 242
24, fire equipment management system 243
25 ,  the central control room management system 244
26, the fire control officer duty system 245
27, the fire control room access control management system 246
28,  Property Department staff civilization system 247
29,  staff badges and uniform management regulations 249
30,  Property Department reward and punishment management system 250
31,theMinistry  of Property three-level inspection management system 251
32, key use management system 255
Section II Security work instruction procedure 257
1, central control room operating procedure 257
2, shift work procedure 258
3,  Security shift work procedure 259
4, security work procedure 260
5,  emergency closure procedure 262
6 ,  Explosion and Suspicious Items Handling Procedure 263
7, Building Fire Drill Procedure 264
8, Drunk Incident or Mentally Ill Response Procedure 266  
9,  fight handler 267
10,  winter snow sweep program 268
11,  Handle salesman procedure 269
12, security patrol work procedure 270
13, enable backup and key reserve program 272
14, pick-up, reporting procedure 273
15, theft case handler 274
16,  Robbery case handler 275
17,  pick-up handler 276
18, central control room to catch the fire point procedure  277
19, Guest Registration Work Procedure 278
20, Room Lock Replacement Work Procedure 279
21  ,  Restaurant Food Poisoning Treatment Procedure 280
Section III Property Department personnel responsibilities 281
1, Property Department Manager position responsibilities 281
2, Security Chief Responsibility  282
3,Fire ChiefResponsibility   283  
4,  cleaning supervisor responsibilities 284
5,security captainduties   285
6, Fire control check-in officer duties 286
7, central control room video monitor duties 287
8, Duty firefighter post responsibilities 288
9, security patrol post responsibilities 289
10,  lobby security post  Duties 290
11, Elevator Hall etiquette post responsibilities 291
12, Employee Channel Guard Post Responsibilities

1,  fire emergency plan 29
2,  evacuation emergency plan 297
3,  security emergency plan 298
4,  Criminal Crime Emergency Plan 299
5, Public Harassment Emergency Measures 301
6,  Robbery Emergency Measures 302
7,  Emergency disposal method 303
8,  high-altitude fall emergency plan 304
9,  flood emergency measures 305
10  ,  emergency disposal plan 306
11in case of sudden powerfailure,  bomb scare emergency plan 307
12,  explosion emergency measure 309  
13,  traffic accident emergency disposal 310
14, gas leak treatment measures 311
15,  telecommunications system fault handling procedures  312
16,  Emergency Response Plan 313
17,Emergency  Response to Natural Disasters 316
Section V Security table list  317
1, Fire control room shift record sheet 317
2, fire control room foreman shift record form 318
3, Fire alarm record sheet 319
4,  fire equipment month maintenance record sheet 320
5, building fire permit stub 321  
6,  in and out of the control room personnel registration form 322
7, video surveillance video query approval form 323
8,  Sealing keys using registration form 324
9, key collar registration form 325
10, construction personnel pass for statistical schedule 326  
11,  construction site violation confirmation 327
12, building visitor registration form 328
13,  Motor vehicle entry and exit registration form 329
14, parking lot inspection record form 330
15,  underground garage inspection record form 331
16, Head of Property ( Manager ) Work Tour Record Form 332
17,  Security Week Work Plan 333
18, Security Month Work Plan 334
20, Security Police Equipment Registration Form  336
21, Security post duty record 337


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